Saturday 12 July 2014

Train set

Aldi, a German supermarket chain that has a store across the street, usually has cheap wooden toys for sale. SV has a number of them including her doll house and a cup cake tree. This time we got her a train set with accessories. She requested help with putting it together, and once it was assembled she really enjoyed playing with it.

Friday 11 July 2014

Group bath

SV had her friends Asheley and Anushaka over with their Grandma for an evening. They all played together before SV went and had a bath. It turned out to be a bit of a communal bath in the end but she and her friends had fun. Before going to bed SV sat everyone down and watched Maxipes Fik which was certainly a novelty to some.

Thursday 10 July 2014

A package arrives

SV really enjoys receiving packages. She doesn't bother reading who they are for though, she just wants to open them. She also really enjoys unwrapping presents from the boxes and generally tries on whatever is inside. At the very least she asks what it is and what it's used for if she doesn't know already.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Australia Zoo Part 3

In this final instalment SV was hopping around like a kangaroo before she got tired and sat down for a seaweed snack in her pram. SV was also quite happy to give kangaroo rides as she skipped down the path, but only for a limited time. As the time for us to leave came SV wanted to look at one more reptile and ride one more ride before we left. She really enjoyed herself at Australia Zoo, and so did we.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Australia Zoo Part 2

SV has been building up her confidence when it comes to patting animals. She fed and then patted a kangaroo at the zoo. When she was little she really liked animals and always wanted to talk to them, then something happened and she became afraid of them, but finally now she is ready to talk and touch them again. We are really happy to see that she is getting over that fear.

She was really excited to see the tiger, giraffes and rhinos too. Again though, the mummy crocodile and daddy crocodile 'hugging' during our lunch break was what she talked about most.

Monday 7 July 2014

Australia Zoo Part 1

Here is a multi-part series from our day at Australia Zoo which was founded by Steve Irwin. Just to answer everyone's first question, no, we didn't see Bindi or any of the other Irwin family. It is a pretty fantastic zoo which is very family friendly and includes things like playgrounds and even rides for kids at no extra cost.

We did see plenty of interesting animals. SV really enjoyed it with her favourite part being the opportunity to hold the crocodile. She really seems to like reptiles. Of course that didn't stop her patting the other animals as well and high fiving the tiger.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Last day at Golden Beach

On our last day of the holiday we packed and went outside to the beach so that SV could have a bit of a play on the sand. She brought some cups to act as buckets and she had a great time despite that funny face. When she got tired of the sand she started adding water to her play before finally climbing and jumping on the rocks. After our morning excursion there was nothing left to do but pack and head to the airport.