Saturday 2 May 2015

Harriett's party

SV was very happy to run around and explore on her own. She couldn't be bothered to hang around with us. Although when it was time to go into the room for a communal meal and games she was quite keen. She ate quite well before happily singing Happy Birthday to Harriett.

Friday 1 May 2015

Harriett's birthday party

SV was invited to Harriett's birthday party at Jungle Buddies. All the kids had lots of fun running around and SV demonstrated her confidence by running around the entire structure. She explored previously unknown sections and even ventured into the air cannon area.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Dinosaurs and beads

Seems like a natural fit for SV to be playing with beads and her dinosaur mat at the same time. Maybe she just wanted to sit in a garden with a pool. After she was done she put on one her little hat and insisted that it still fit.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Callan Park exhibition

TV entered a photography competition and this night was the opening for the exhibition as well as the award ceremony. We all went to dinner beforehand where SV was very well behaved. Once we got to the exhibition it was good to see the photographs which were of a high caliber and curated very well. It was all going quite well and for some reason SV got very bratty and started acting out which was quite unusual for her. So after the ceremony we made a quick exit. As for the awards TV didn't win, but his photograph was featured twice in magazines announcing the competition. Go figure.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Extending our city stay

The paint was taking a long time to dry so we decided to extend our stay. KT used the opportunity to get a massage and SV got to open her present. Her favourite part was obviously the Cinderella dress. She wanted to go to dinner in it but we managed to talk her into not wearing the shoes. We all really enjoyed our time in the city. We would recommend it as a fun new perspective on your home town.

Monday 27 April 2015

Staying in the city

We stayed in the city because our apartment building was getting repainted oil paint. SV was really excited as were we to have a mid week stay in a hotel. She got to experience life in a big city with going out to dinner, being able to go shopping whenever and going to school while picking up a tasty snack.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Jude's barbecue continued

The barbecue was really well organised with delicious food, games and an auction. SV enjoyed all of it, especially the games. She was pretty close in guessing the number of lollies in the jar too. The barbecue ended up being a big success with everyone having a good time.