Saturday 15 June 2013

Bubble bath

Another first (possibly second), is SV playing in a bubble bath as KT and Nagymama watch.

Friday 14 June 2013

Traveling home

Coming home from the Gold Coast SV was a great little traveler. Not even the rain dampened her spirit, in fact it made the experience more interesting.

Penguin bee

SV couldn't quite decide if she wanted to dress like a bee or as a penguin. So she did both, as you do. Currently she is in a pro-hat phase which is good since it's winter and she has heaps of cute hats to keep her warm.

Thursday 13 June 2013


Ever since we got the backpack for her SV has really like wearing it. Especially when we are on a trip.

Walk in the rain

SV has two rain coats and she has never really been in the rain for a walk. So we decided to rectify this because she has been interested in rain as a phenomenon. We took her for a short walk along with Nagymama to try out one of the coats and let her explore a bit. She had fun, and wasn't bothered by the rain at all.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

SV 9 to 12 Month Book released

We have just added the SV 9 to 12 Month Book for download for those of you who are interested. The book can be downloaded at: SV 9 to 12 Month Book or from the link located in the download section on the right of the website.

Back home

We're back home and here are two photographs from our normal Sydney life.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

On the way home

Our flight back to Sydney was at 2am and initially we were worried about how SV would handle it. Of course being a seasoned traveller she had no problems, grabbing naps when she could in her pram. Luckily Singapore airport doesn't have security until the actual boarding gate, so she slept until just before we got on the plane. We even lucked out because the flight was not very full, so we had not only the three seats in our immediate row, but we also took up the four seats in the middle. So we managed to spread out and get some rest. SV managed to sleep all but the last hour or so of the flight, waking up for a quick breakfast before we landed into Sydney which put on great weather for us.

Monday 10 June 2013

Baby driver

SV really enjoyed riding in this coin operated car. One of the parents even put money to make it move.

Satay by the Bay

We met up with Leon, Jenn and Prudence for one more dinner before heading back to Leah's house to pack for our flight home. We went to a really nice hawker centre over looking the Gardens by the Bay and the big 'super trees'. It was a really nice meal to end a really good trip. SV and Prudence got along really well and even shared a toy.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Marina Barrage

Every time we go to Singapore we end up doing something new and different. This time we went down to the Gardens by the Bay but went past them to Marina Barrage which is Singapore's desalination plant. The outside of which there are water features for kids to run through. Also the roof of the building has grass on it and is a great place to fly kites which absolutely fascinated SV. She had a great time playing with the sculptures and splashing around a bit.