Friday 28 September 2012

First day in Cambodia

Our first full day in Cambodia we decided to get situated and walk through Siem Reap and it's markets without making the trip out to the temples. This allowed all three of us to get a little bit of rest and get used to the way things work in Cambodia.
We walked through some of the markets which were fairly empty since it was the low season. The people in Cambodia are so lovely, they really enjoyed playing and interacting with SV. SV was happy to oblige and was willing to be carried by some of the ladies. It was a wonderful first day, where one of the beggar children even played with SV without bothering us for money during lunch. Here are some of the photographs.

Playing with her toys in the morning

Baby monkey having a baby banana

Talking to the locals at one of the markets
Waiting for our fruit shakes to be finished to help cool us off

Staying hydrated during lunch because of the humidity

Playing with her toys after her mid-day nap

Trying Khmer food for the first time

Enjoying the different types of Amok ( Khmer style coconut based sauce)

Really enjoying the Amok

Going for a walk with the waitress who enjoyed holding SV

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