Saturday 24 August 2019

Some alone time

Usually the girls really enjoy playing together but once in a while some alone time is exactly what is needed. Luckily they can all entertain themselves.

Friday 23 August 2019

Lessons on the whiteboard

SV was giving lessons at the whiteboard. MV needed to sign a bit of a waiver before the lesson began though. Or perhaps it was part of the lesson, we're not quite sure.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Sad stripes

Some days are tougher than others, especially when sick. As a result EV was more contemplative lest she have another trip and bump on her head.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

EV's second day of child care

Everyone got ready and did so quietly. In fact we were so stealthy that KT didn't even wake up. We had a good time walking up to school and dropping everyone off. Aparently EV had a bit of a tougher day as she started to get sick and didn't feel that great. She was quite happy to see us when we picked her up.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Mastering steps

EV is getting quite adept at dealing with steps. She crawls up and down like a champ. She's already started trying to walk up them while holding on to things but they are still a bit too high.

Monday 19 August 2019

I heart sushi

We all heart sushi in this family. It has been a while since we've gone out to sushi and since EV suggested it it was hard to say no. We had a good little lunch with everyone in a good mood, after they ate anyway.

Sunday 18 August 2019

EV arriving for her first day

MV was really excited to show EV their new school. She was very proud of her little sister. EV for her part was quite excited to be going as well and wanted to walk in all by herself. They had a great day and played with lots of different things.