Saturday 12 April 2014

Package from Nagy

We received a surprise package from Slovakia which was sent by Nagy. We were all excited and SV was really keen to get into the package. She really enjoyed pulling everything out and then putting it all back into the box. Then doing it again.

Friday 11 April 2014


SV is sometimes the picture of focus. For a two and a half year old we are always impressed with how long and how deeply she stays focused.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Reading with Auntie Linda

We went to visit Auntie Linda and Uncle Norman and stayed past dinner time. SV then had a chance have a bath in their big bath tub before enjoying some stories read to her by Auntie Linda. She really liked it especially since they were some of the Mr Men books which have been her favourite. It was great for us as well because we are tired of reading those same books, but they were completely new for Linda so she enjoyed reading them.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Grooming TV

SV is in a very nurturing mode where she has been wanting to do things like groom us. Here she is brushing TV's hair before bed.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Farewell Auntie Brenda and Uncle Doug

We had to say good bye to Auntie Brenda and Uncle Doug, but SV made sure to have some good fun with them before they left. She used water colours and pens for her artistic endeavours with Auntie Brenda. Then she enjoyed reading with Uncle Doug before dinner. It was really great to have them come over and spend time with us again before they headed back to the US.

Monday 7 April 2014

Just like the good ol' days but better

Recently most of our good friends from Sydney came back hang out and catch up. It was really good to see everyone again a couple of times. With good friends the time and space doesn't really matter, because when we catch up it's like they have been there all along. There are a few more stories to tell over a beer or two, but we still feel very close to each other.

The photographs below show one such encounter where we all caught up, only this time SV came with us. She was really well behaved and really enjoyed playing with everyone, especially Mat who 'helped' her with the stickers.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Sleepy bear

SV really enjoy sleeping, and she feels very comfortable in her bed even without the sides. Sometimes though she plays a bit before going to sleep as evidenced by this photograph. She still managed to get a solid 2 hour nap though.