Saturday 28 March 2015

SV's art

SV made the drawing below all by herself. Can you guess what it is (ignore the writing, she asked us to put that there)?

Back at the park

It has been a while since we have posted photographs of SV at this park. Mostly because we don't go to the park that often, especially this one. It was good to come back though because SV has made some big improvements in her abilities. For example she can now climb to the very top of the spiderweb thing all by herself. We remember where she could hardly pull herself up on to the first rope.

Friday 27 March 2015

Balance biking again

It's been a while but SV got back on to her balance bike again. Her confidence hasn't diminished since the last time, and in fact has grown. Her coordination is constantly improving and so her biking ability has also improved. She really enjoyed riding the bike around the neighbourhood this time and wouldn't let TV help her even up hill.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Making tea

SV enjoys having tea time but sometimes she gets distracted. She laughed when we called her out on it though.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Little artist

SV came home from school and she really wanted to draw some more. She just felt like she didn't quite express herself enough at school. She ended up sitting in her chair and drawing for a good 40 minutes or more.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Social visit

It's funny but we have met a number of Slovak speaking people here in Sydney, but most of them have been because of KT and her work. That's exactly how we met Dusan and Miae who invited us to their house. SV had a great playing with their two boys and their toys. We also had a nice evening (after a fun afternoon) as well.

Monday 23 March 2015


We went to visit our friends Dusan and Miae who have two boys and consequently a big yard. SV really enjoyed being able to run around and play . After getting her confidence she really liked climbing all over the jungle gym they had. TV enjoyed playing as well and they both ran around quite a bit, only stopping briefly for an ice cream.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Organ concert

One of the best things about living in a world class city like Sydney is that there is always something going on. Whether it be a cultural, art or sporting event, there is always something to do. On this occasion KT and SV went to the Sydney Town Hall for a free organ concert. They wandered through the beautiful Town Hall before the concert and debated about which of the flowers were their favourites. During the concert SV was quite interested and sat patiently for 45 minutes before she started to fidget. We are very glad to be able to provide her with such experiences (especially when they are free!).