Saturday 4 July 2020

Playing video games with KT

KT does not play video games very often but it was MV's special day off school. MV requested to play games with KT and they had a great time. We all did other things as well, like have a nice lunch and read books together.

Friday 3 July 2020

EV and TV watching the soccer

After several months of no sport, soccer is back again. We are lucky enough to get some of the better matches for free. So EV and TV have taken to watch some of the abreviated games together. Sometimes the other girls join in as well, but the two of them are really enjoying kicking back and watching the action.

Thursday 2 July 2020

On the fence

These girls all wanted to just sit on the fence and read. Well, EV also wanted to climb along the fence while she was at it.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Morning lessons

MV has been really keen on numbers and this morning she decided to practice counting by copying the numbers from her placemat into a notebook while saying them out loud. SV has been working on decoding a word puzzle and then making up her own using the same glyphs.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

After park wind down

After the park SV and MV were both happy to relax on the couch and read. EV still had plenty of energy though and pushed her scooter around.

Monday 29 June 2020

Park soccer

SV's soccer season is back on and she has started training officially. TV thought it would be a good idea to supplement the formal training with a bit more play and so we went to the park to work on a few things. MV and EV were also keen to help out and we all improved our skills.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Spots at the park

Once EV got her hair up she was quite happy to wear her dress. Sometimes it is hard to tell. We all headed to the park and the three girls walked together very nicely. At the park they made use of all of the equipment and had a good time. Each pushing themselves to try new things.