Saturday 16 June 2012

Mirror family

This was an impromptu family photography session just after we woke up. Please ignore our filthy mirror, not sure who put her tiny little mitts all over it, do you know anything about it SV?

Friday 15 June 2012

Little camera woman

SV is really enjoying playing with all of TV's photography equipment. She hasn't quite figured out the shutter yet, but she is working on it. In the mean time she looks pretty cute with the camera being almost as big as she is.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Pop up toy

SV really likes to keep a tidy house. She has a toy which requires her to move switches in different ways to make the animals pop up. However, she prefers to close the doors and put the animals away and doesn't really like to make them pop up. It's really funny because when we open all the doors she gives us a exasperated look before going over and closing them all.

Wednesday 13 June 2012


Normally SV is not allowed to play with cords, but this time she was helping TV with his lighting set up. She really enjoyed pulling them and wrapping them around.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Red coat

Say, what are you looking at? My boots are awesome! And the red coat too.
Not sure why exactly SV adopted this tough attitude, but please excuse her. She is working on her repertoire of expressions.

Monday 11 June 2012


Today was the first time that SV stood up on her own! She managed to get up and stay up for several minutes. This is only about a week and a half after she started crawling. She is really making leaps and bounds in her development right now. It's very exciting!

My friend Owly

Owly used to be SV's best friend, she used to play with him all the time and get comfort from him when she was sad. As SV has grown they have grown apart slowly, but in these photographs they are still enjoying their company. Just goes to show the value of a good friend.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Tiny crawler

Here is a bit of a long video of SV doing a bit of a dance to the music and then crawling around a bit. She has started crawling in the last week or so, and she has already managed to pull herself up into a standing position on her own. Walking is not far off.
Just before the start of this video SV was dancing even more, but she is entirely too camera aware now and so she toned her dancing down a bit.

Safety first

We went to the pool and the sign proclaimed that there were no life guards on duty, so our little safety officer took it on herself to be a life guard and ensure everyone was being safe.