Saturday 30 May 2015

Back to hospital

KT had some complications after MV's birth and so we had to go back to the hospital. She ended up being readmitted so SV took advantage by eating her lunch. MV took advantage of the relative quiet to take a nap before lunch.

We are glad to report that KT is now doing better and is home.

Friday 29 May 2015

Playing together and separately

In the morning the two little ladies played together and with KT. In the evening they wanted to pursue their own activities and consequently diverged in their entertainment. SV really wanted to go downstairs to blow bubbles and play with some of the toys while MV was more than happy to partake in sleeping.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Cuddles and reading

Before MV was born SV always kept saying that she wanted to hold the new baby and read it stories. She finally got a chance to do just that and she was absolutely thrilled.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Pirate park

SV went to the park on the bicycle to play on the big pirate ship. She weighed up people's good deeds versus their misdeeds on the scales of justice before climbing around the rest of the apparatus. In case you were wondering, SV picked out her own outfit.

Meanwhile MV was getting a little bit of tummy time. She worked on developing her neck muscles so she can raise her head. Then she sat up and with a little bit of a prop up she looked around her house.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Amber and friends visiting

Amber, Ashton and Sofia came over for a visit to meet MV. The kids were happy to say hi but then were quick to play with SV. Amber though was quite happy just to play with MV who was happy to sleep through the visit.

Monday 25 May 2015

A dancer and a present

TV and SV went to dance class for SV to see her friends and take part in one of her favourite activities. Meanwhile KT and MV opened a present and in turn made a new one.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Visiting the hospital

KT needed to have her stitches repaired and so we had a quick return to the hospital. The two young ladies didn't seem to mind and TV was happy to sit quietly as well.