Saturday, 29 October 2022

Exploring the property

 We went for a bit of a wander around the property to see what we could see. There was heaps to do and we certainly did some of the activities. We got to meet the locals too as they came over and sat on the porch for a sticky beak. 

Friday, 28 October 2022

Arriving in Kangaroo Valley

 We arrived in Kangaroo Valley for Katie's birthday trip, that's 2021 birthday which was delayed due to Covid. We were really happy as the accommodation was really lovely. Once we put all of our stuff down we had some afternoon tea. We took advantage of all the places and made ourselves comfortable. One of the nicest things was having a fire to keep off the cold despite it being the start of summer. The day was warm but the evening and night was cold.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Family lunch in Ashfield

 We all really wanted to get out of the house and have a nice family lunch. Unsurprisingly we ended up going to have dumplings and bubble teas. While it was slightly predictable, it certainly was nice. We all enjoyed it and were nice and relaxed throughout. 

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Dressing up parade

 The girls all put on some dresses pf various sorts. They were initially going to do a parade but that changed to dong a skit of some sort. Eventually the whole thing broke apart do to creative differences.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

(Un)Wrapping up SV's 11th birthday

 She got to open up some more presents before we wrapped up SV's birthday. She really enjoyed all of her presents and hers cards which she studied and read.

Monday, 24 October 2022

SV opens her gifts

 We all got to congratulate her and give her some gifts. She got quite a few things all of which she was excited about. Her sisters were also really excited as well. It was a fun evening and a really nice way to celebrate SV.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

SV turns 11

 SV turned eleven and requested make your own ramen for dinner. She also chose her favourite ice cream instead of cake. We hide a nice dinner and she got to blow out her candles quickly so they didn't melt the cake.