Saturday 9 June 2012

PB picnic

At TV's work picnic we enjoyed the free food and entertainment with KT getting her fingernails painted. SV mainly hung out on the picnic blanket, but she also enjoyed making a new friend. When we say meet new friend, what we mean is they played near each other with the same toys. Seemed like she enjoyed herself though. This year it seemed like there weren't as many people in attendance as in previous years.

Friday 8 June 2012


TV had a his work picnic to which all three of us went. Part of the event are carnival rides like the slide which we took SV on. She didn't seem to love the experience, certainly not as much as we did, she just resigned herself to it.

Thursday 7 June 2012

At the cafe

With had breakfast in Glebe with KT's friend from work and her partner. The breakfast was tasty and SV was her charming self. We had a very pleasant breaky, just catching up.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


That's right! Australia has several Sizzler restaurants. It was such a treat to go to one of them and have all you can eat salad and soup bar. All three of us really enjoyed the variety and ease of making a salad. Although the best part was probably the cheesy toast they served in the beginning. SV had a chance to eat all sorts of veggies and a piece of chicken from one of the per-made salads. After our meal she got to stand and play in the booth, and ended up growling at the people behind us trying to get them to play with her. She was successful with the first group but the second group of people ignored her. She didn't sem to mind too much though.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Bilpin apples

Here are a few more photographs from our trip up to Bilpin. As you can see it was a chilly day with SV wearing her snow suit. The sun was out but the wind was strong and had a fall chill to it. It really was a great day to be all bundled up outside and then go inside to enjoy the warmth. We had a good time despite the fact that everything closed at 4pm and places only accepting cash. We of course didn't bring enough cash because what business these days doesn't accept cards? Turns out pretty much all of Bilpin.

Monday 4 June 2012

Picking apples

We had a hire car over the weekend and took advantage by going into the Blue Mountains to pick some fall fruit. We went to Bilpin which is the place to go for apples and other orchards, and is similar to Apple Hill in California, just less commercial. The Pink Lady and Granny Smith apples were in season and absolutely delicious. The Granny Smith apples were starting to turn slightly yellow and tasted like nectar, really different to the Granny Smith's in the store. Here are a few photographs from our adventure.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Baby lawn gnome

SV got a new coat and got to wear her boots for the first time. It just happened to make her look a bit like a lawn gnome.

Breakfast giggles

We received requests for more videos, so here is a recent one. One morning SV was having breakky when she just started giggling and enjoying herself. When she eats she tends to tap her foot on the table for rhythm.