Saturday 22 September 2018

EV's first bath

MV and SV were really excited about giving EV her first bath. It brought back wonderful memories for us of SV giving MV her first bath. It is quite a special time and is very sweet. EV was not entirely convinced though. She enjoyed parts of it, but not quite all of it. She made sure that we knew it too. MV and SV were both very gentle and listened to instructions very well so that EV didn't end up with too much water in face.

Friday 21 September 2018

More cuddles with EV

That first meeting was very special and all the girls wanted to do is cuddle and kiss EV. There was a bit of an argument about whose turn it was to hold her and who got to put the blanket on. In the end it was fine as everyone got to hold her and cover her up.

Thursday 20 September 2018

MV and SV meet EV

It was really sweet to see the excitement of MV and SV as they first saw EV. They were not only very excited but they were also very gentle and kind to her. They were both very excited to hold her and give her kisses.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Meeting EV

It was a really wonderful experience to meet EV for the first time. She came at a very reasonable time and gave us just enough time to make sure that Auntie Vanessa could come over to spend the night with SV and MV before we dashed to the hospital. Once there the lovely midwives took good care of KT, although she did most of the hard work. In fact she ended up delivering EV on her own. EV has been a wonderful addition to our family and has been very sweet.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Father's Day party with MV

TV went to MV's school for a little Father's Day party. He got watch her play with her friends and she was very happy to show him around her school some more. One of her friends attached himself to us and followed us around the entire afternoon. It was good fun.

Monday 17 September 2018

Reading to a friend

SV is officially a reader! She is now taking herself off to her bed to read chapter books to herself or a friend. She has unlocked the wonderful world of books and imagination. We are really proud of her.

Sunday 16 September 2018

First time gamers

This is the first time the girls both got to play video games on their own. They played a number of active games starting with canoeing, throwing frisbees and table tennis. They had heaps of fun before wrapping it up for dinner.