Saturday 28 April 2018

Quiet morning

After all the excitement of previous days it was nice to have a slow and quiet morning. MV enjoyed continuing to hone her photography skills while SV posed and played with Setsuna in the sun.

Friday 27 April 2018

2018 egg hunt

Ahh, the traditional easter egg hunt. After displaying the letter to the easter bunny who authenticated it with a couple of bunny bites (everyone knows bunnies like to eat paper) the contestants awaited their instructions. Once the hunt was underway, the eggs and treats were found quickly and with gusto. The contestants always played fair and even worked together to find all the tricky eggs. To be fair though, one contestant had a bit of a disadvantage as he/she had to play from inside KT's tummy. Setsuna was the head judge for the contest and watched the proceedings with a keen eye. In the end all eggs were found and put together into a big pile. No one actually cared about how many eggs they found as the spoils were all shared equally.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Hot cross buns

An easte weekend is really not complete without a hot cross bun. Even better enjoyed on the back porch on a warm afternoon.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Autumn beach day

It has officially been autumn in Sydney for a few weeks now, but someone forgot to tell the weather. It felt like a hot summer day, very appropriate for the beach, which is exactly where we went along with what seemed like half the city. This year the summer has really extended quite long and some would say over stayed its welcome, no such thing as climate change though. Pfft, yeah right. Even in the 11 years we have lived here, the summers have been getting hotter and longer.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

2018 easter hat parade

Last day before the easter long weekend is traditionally the easter hat parade at school. This year was no different and SV spent a fair amount of time making her hat. SHe was rightfully proud of her design and MV spent a fair amount of time admiring it as well. At school SV marched proudly in the parade before having a class photograph taken. It was quite a festive atmosphere.

Monday 23 April 2018

Painting eggs

In preparation for an easter egg hunt the girls painted eggs. Since it is really hard to find eggs they painted them instead of doing the traditional dyeing of the eggs. They took the job very seriously and enjoyed their work. After the eggs dried, they got to hide them for the easter bunny to find as a treat for him since he usually only hides eggs.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Assembly time

SV had a school assembly the day MV and KT arrived home. They dropped off their bags, freshened up and went to see SV. She had not only had her art displayed on the big screen, she also had a speaking part talking about what they are working on in English class. She spoke clearly, calmly and was very articulate. When the assembly was over nether her nor MV could wait for a cuddle.