Saturday 28 September 2019

Walk for their breakfast

We went for a walk to a cafe to try out their special hot chocalate and have some breakfast. The girls were quite happy to ride their scooters and EV was a little less annoyed about riding in the pram. At the cafe the girls got raisin toast which they liked, but not quite as much as TV's bacon and egg roll. EV liked breakfast but even more so wearing the helmet.

Friday 27 September 2019

Meeting friends at the pub

We again caught up with KT's childhood friend who is visiting Sydney with her family. The pub we went to had great food but even better a truck that the kids could crawl in, out and around. Sufficet to say there was a lot of playing, but a bit less eating.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Playing at the fete

After lunch the girls got to go on the rides while KT took EV home for a nap. They also got to pat some of the baby animals that were there before heading back to the rides for a few last rides.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Fete facepainting

The fete was quite popular with the shorter people in the family. The facepainting especially turned out to be well received. SV got an amazing mask while MV really liked her rainbow. The bigger people preferred the sausage sizzle.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Plucky Duck plays the Fete

SV has been practicing her violin and her class performed at the school fete. The fete is a carnival which helps the school raise money for activities. SV and the rest of her classmates improved drastically from their first performance and she was proud and so were we.

Monday 23 September 2019

Messy baby hair

EV was really getting into her dinner. This included getting avocado in her hair and all over her face. Supposedly avocado is good for the skin so good on her.

Sunday 22 September 2019