Saturday 17 June 2023

Start of MV's 8th birthday

 MV's friends started arriving and the energy in the house went up accordingly. They were all so excited and most of all MV. They were all really good and played so nicely throughout. The party games proved to be a big hit but the bubbles were definitely the favourite activity.

Friday 16 June 2023

Setting up for MV's birthday

 We all pitched in to decorate and prepare for MV's birthday party. She was really excited to have her friends over and we were all happy to be able to celebrate her special day. We all worked together to make sure she had a fun and enjoyable party. MV was happy with the result and super excited for everyone to arrive.

Thursday 15 June 2023

Grandma CeCe and Ron arrive

 We were all very excited to have Grandma CeCe and Ron come for a visit. Ron brought some really fun little presents for the girls but he made them work for them a little bit. They in turn enjoyed the games and the present of Setsuna like bunny pins.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Birthday dinner and the park

 It was good to be home and we went out for a celebratory dinner of dumplings. We continued celebrating by going to a great park. Usually this park is very busy but since it was a cool day it was quite good. Luckily the sun was shinning and compared to Europe it felt warm to us. Girls really enjoyed letting loose and just playing with no boundaries.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Seoul airport

 After a great and what felt quick 12 hour flight we landed in Seoul. We had about 7 or so hours which meant we decided to just stay at the airport. We were greeted by some actors dressed in traditional costumes. We also saw the baby shark display which was quite popular. We got to see our robot friends again who were still working hard. The girls also found an airplane themed lego play area where they ran around for quite some time. We finished off the airport stay by visiting the lounge and having a shower, some food and relaxing before heading on the flight home to see KT again.

Monday 12 June 2023

Flying out of Germany

 We got through the airport nice and quickly. We enjoyed the lounge for a while but had to leave a little earlier than usual as the lounge was before security. It did give us some extra time to browse through the shops though before boarding. It was just as well because boarding was slightly delayed. What made up for it is that we ended up having 6 seats for the four of us.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Stopping in Würzburg

 We again decided to pop into Würzburg because it is just such a picturesque town. The girls didn't really remember it from last time so it was good to show them again. This time we got to go into what looked like Rapunzel's tower and the little chapel which we didn't see last time. The view was spectacular as usual, the only draw back was that the garden wasn't fully planted yet. The view was again spectacular but EV got sad although none of us can quite recall why now. She got over it pretty quickly and we explored more of the grounds.