Saturday 16 January 2021

Into the valley

 The walk took us down into the canyon where we jumped across rocks over the stream and through the ferns. It was a stunning part of the walk and as we went along we kept a look out for yabbies, also known as crawdads for our North American fans. We found quite a few as their distinct red colouring made them stand out. Eventually the walk took us back out of the canyon and we had to take a little break on the ascent for a break. The scenery changed again as we came up and then changed again, even as we got to walk behind one of the waterfalls. It was quite fun.

Friday 15 January 2021

Our second bushwalk gets started

 We were all excited about this bushwalk and quite prepared as it was going to be long with lots of stairs. It was a really beautiful trail as we first descended from the top of the escarpment down into the valley below. At the top were lots of dry gum trees but as we went down they slowly changed to different gums and eventually different types of ferns. The girls chatted the whole time and were interested in all sorts of things like the burnt out gum trees and the forest regrowing. 

Thursday 14 January 2021

Relaxing afternoon

 After a big bushwalk we had a nice relaxing afternoon. Mostly hanging around enjoying the warm weather in the backyard. In the evening we had a couple of tired kids who got to watch a movie to wind down.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Finishing our walk

 As we kept walking along we found more waterfalls, each different but no less beautiful. MV and SV did a fair amount of exploring off the trail to get to know nature a bit more, apparently. EV was glad to get out of the pack and walk around for a bit as she got to throw rocks into the rock pool. It was a good first bush walk to start our week off right.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

First of several bushwalks this holiday

 We decided to try out a fairly close bushwalk which sounded relatively nice and shady on a warm sunny day. It was a great walk where we went down to a number of waterfalls which were all flowing quite nicely due to all of the rain. We were all quite excited to go out for a bit of a walk actually and everyone had heaps of energy. We all had a good time, especially EV who was really enjoying her elevated viewpoint.

Monday 11 January 2021

First morning at the house

 We woke up to a lovely day and opened the big sliding doors. The kids brought out their lego to work on it. They then had their breakfast out on the big outdoor table so they could listen to the birds and eventually watch SV practice her badminton. It was such a lovely day that we just took it easy and played games while getting ready. EV was entertained as well with the big television in her own room so the rest of us got to have quiet time as well.