Saturday 29 September 2012

Angkor Wat and other temples

Our second day involved meeting our guide and driver at the hotel and heading out to the temples. First off was the most famous of them, Angkor Wat. The temple did not disappoint at all and SV had a chance to mix with the locals some more. Our guide was Mr Em Somuch who was an excellent guide. He even helped out carrying our backpack. Having a guide, especially as knowledgeable as he is, made the temple experience so much better. He and our driver worked very well together, saving us time and effort in retracing our steps on some occasions and also helping to watch SV after she finished her lunch so that we could enjoy our meal without having to be on guard the entire time.
Here are some of the photographs from the day amongst the temples.

Posing in front of Angkor Wat and it's reflection, courtesy of Mr Em Somuch

Friendly head bump before SV had a snack outside of Angkor Wat

Side entrance to Angkor Wat

Giving us a break during lunch so that SV could meet the doggy

Trees taking over the Ta Phrom temple

Mr Em Somuch, KT and SV through a window at Angkor Wat

Interacting with a mom and her son at Angkor Wat

Performers at Angkor Wat

One of many people taking photographs of SV, he at least asked

Our guide Mr Em Somuch holding SV  at Ta Phrom temple

Children at the temples selling things for a living

Waiting for dinner and watching the other guests

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