Saturday 30 November 2013

A Hanmer Springs day

SV had a very busy day, she got up to all sorts of antics including swimming in the hot pools. She learned to give thumbs up from Richie and his female companion Lollie which she was practicing at breaky. After a silly lunch we went for a swim and SV got bundled up afterwards. We felt a little bad for her though because after such a busy day SV fell asleep right after finishing her dinner.

Friday 29 November 2013

Going to NZ

Starting from today we will begin a series of posts on our trip to New Zealand which we are still on. The coverage of this trip will span quite a few posts as it is quite a long trip of over 3 weeks. 

The first day of our trip we flew to Christchurch on the south island of New Zealand. Uncle Richie caught a slightly different flight from us flying business class with Emirates (oolah la la so fancy), but we met up perfectly upon landing. SV didn't seem to mind the budget flight we were on though. SV met a couple of the locals when we landed before we headed to pick up our caravan. We rented a 6 person caravan which seems to be just up to the task of taking the four of us. It's quite comfortable though, and we set off right away to Hanmer Springs for the hot pools.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Uncle Richie is a bad boy

Uncle Richie is staying with us for a while and SV is enjoying his goofy company. She has put him to bed and covered him up. Then they did a bit of parallel play before dinner. Taco night was a success with everyone getting into the tacos with a vengeance.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Tuesday 26 November 2013

One bad toddler

SV is a street tuff that you certainly wouldn't want to anger. Ok, maybe not, but she is certainly determined and knows where she is going. She feels very comfortable in her neighbourhood and is usually quite happy to walk in it.

Monday 25 November 2013

Reading in her PJs

Since Papi left SV has been reading this series of books which she used to read with him. It seems like it reminds her of him.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Baby surfer

SV found these toys and decided that she was ready to practice her surfing skills. The caravan parks here are fantastic with all sorts of things for all ages, including hot tubs.

Dinner with KT

We all went out for a family dinner. SV and TV walked up from the park and met up with KT who was returning from a baby shower. SV was a little lady, and for being so good we let her open her last birthday gift. She really enjoyed both the gift and her dinner. She has really been eating quite a bit lately and it's been fun to watch.