Saturday 28 October 2023

Visiting the Jacksons

 We drove down to Mittagong to visit our friends the Jacksons at their new house. It was a nice drive down and we had a lovely time sitting on their balcony. The Postles came as well so all the kids got to play together. The adults had a great catch up and the kids played together in different combinations depending on the time.

Friday 27 October 2023

Dressing up and going out

 Well SV and KT got to go out. The rest of us got dressed in some fancy outfits but stuck around the house. We were mostly going through the dress up clothes to figure out what to keep, donate and throw away. Hard work but the girls did a great job with it.

Thursday 26 October 2023

SV opens her gifts

 After an eventful day there was but one more thing to do. Open pressies. So we all gave our presents and those sent from overseas to SV. She really enjoyed all of them.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

At the arcade

 After a great lunch we went to the arcade so the girls could play some games. They had a great time playing both by themselves and together. At the end they each got some tickets to spend and get a few little things.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Slovak birthday lunch

 SV chose Slovak food for lunch and of course all the girls had bryndzove haluski. They were all satisfied and we had a really pleasant lunch. We were ready for the fun the afternoon presented.

Monday 23 October 2023

SV's 12th birthday out

 For SV's 12th birthday she wanted to have some time with just the family. She really wanted to go to the movies and lunch. We stopped and got a bubble tea before heading inside to watch the Barbie movie. The girls chatted as we waited for the teas and before the movie started. They all enjoyed the film too although not sure they quite got all of it.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Doing some shopping

 October is a very busy month for birthdays and we had to go buy some gifts for several people. We had a good time walking around the shopping centre and looking at stuff. We ended up getting what we needed for everyone, but it was exhausting. Luckily we found a nice place for a rest.