The much talked about and seldom seen Umbrella Palm followed by the parking lot decoration. Who can forget the carnivorous plants? Here are some wonderful examples of the flowers we came across on this trip.
All of these colors are true to life, even that green one.
This is the end of our Cape Tribulation Vacation mini series. Stay tuned for our next outing here in Sydney.
Here in Australia they try to make things cute so that people feel good about coming here even though most the animals are highly dangerous, as are the trees.
A photo of the Emilio's temporary replacement. The gecko is a household fixture in Queensland. We are still looking for a gecko for our house, especially now with the untimely demise of our resident spider.
A photo of one of those walking fish and a brush turkey.
A rather large lizard in the tree and a small one on the curb.
There were lots of beautiful butterflies around but they wouldn't sit still long enough for a good photo.