Saturday 2 February 2019

Sledging in Javorina

We borrowed a sled and headed up to the top of Javorina which is the tallest mountain around Stara Tura and even has a small ski resort. Unfortunately it was very windy, so we went back down. Part way down though we saw a small turn off where we stopped and went sledging. The girls had a blast with KT and TV providing the power. We did find a small hill which they could go down on their own as well.

Friday 1 February 2019

A day in Stara Tura

First we went to see Auntie Andula for lunch and a bit of a play. The girls really enjoyed seeing her again and played quite hard, until MV fell asleep. Then it was SV and EV playing with their Auntie. Afterwards we went to see Nagymama and to play with friends. Eating in Slovakia is always such a treat because the food is always tasty. On this trip SV developed quite a taste for Slovak food.

Thursday 31 January 2019

Snowy playgrounds

We were walking over to see Auntie Andula, but because of the snow we had to stop at all of the playgrounds so the girls could explore and explore the equipment in the snow. Although EV was only mildly amused.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Snowy morning fun

MV was checking out the snow over breaky to make sure it didn't melt before we could go out. We ran a few errands including going to the pharmacy and the snow made it all a lot more fun. Particularly since it wasn't actually that cold. It was so fun to watch the kids enjoy playing in the snow. In fact they frolicked as the saying goes.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Snowy Stara Tura

There is but one way to arrive in Stara Tura, which is to say to family and a big meal. This was no different and we were happy for it as our lunch time snack was starting to wear thin. After dinner and a bit of a chat we headed home but not before the kids had a chance to run a round in the snow for a bit. They loved it of course after being on a plane and in the car for hours. In our apartment we quickly made ourselves at home and got ready for bed. EV got to spend some great one on one time with Nagymama who she met for the first time. She has been a great baby ambassador just like her sisters before her, charming people with her great smile.

Monday 28 January 2019

Arriving into a cold Slovakia

It was a bit of a surprise arriving into Slovakia. We thought Brussels was cold but arriving into Slovakia with snow on the ground was definitely more cold. Extra layers were required for all. We stopped in for a quick lunch before we headed to Stara Tura to see everyone.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Ice skating and more

We made our way back to the ice skating rink where TV took MV and SV on the ice. SV did well after she got her confidence back. MV needed a bit more help but had a good time. All that skating had us work up a good appetite again so grabbed some lunch. Later on we got another snack along our walk. We finally ended the day back at Auntie Naomi's house for a dinner before saying our good byes.