Saturday 23 November 2013

Library fun

SV went to to the library to get out of the heat and to see about some new toys and books. On the way there we stopped to play on the pony and other toys. We also admired a mural put up by council raising awareness of storm water run off.

Little hiker

We have been doing a number of hikes and SV has been quite insistent on walking them as well. She usually walks quite a bit, as much as a couple of kilometres before she wants us to carry her. All that walking in Sydney is paying off.

Friday 22 November 2013

In the park with Dana

When we went to the park we saw our old neighbours Dana and her mom. SV really enjoyed playing, or more like copying Dana. They had fun playing on all of the toys and Dana was very patient with SV.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Hokitika beach

We just left the town of Hokitika heading south to see glaciers. While we were there though we had a great meal of fish and chips on the beach during sunset.

Lunch with TV

SV and TV went out to lunch, first stopping by the sushi counter where SV couldn't decide on what to have. So they went to one of the local Thai restaurants. After looking at the menu they decided on a tasty lunch of cashew chicken with noodles. They both enjoyed lunch where they both stuffed themselves while SV entertained the staff with her funny antics.

Greymouth and beyond

SV is enjoying our road trip so far, but so many new things take a toll on a kid. When she has a nap, it tends to be a big one. This time she slept in the back bed surrounded by drying laundry.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Petting Zoo

TV and SV went to a petting zoo at a child care centre in their neighbourhood. The centre is owned by the same company as the one SV goes to so it was interesting to see some of the things they do. We ran into a couple of people from mothers group and SV enjoyed all of the activities, although she thought the cow to be a bit rude.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Halloween Card

SV is really into cards, so when she received a Halloween musical card she was really excited and got very focused. She played with it and asked us heaps of questions about what sort of monsters they were and what they were doing.

Monday 18 November 2013

Hiking in Arthur's Pass

Today we went on a hike as we were leaving Arthur's Pass to to go to the west coast of New Zealand. Fantastic day. We had a great picnic lunch with a stunning backdrop and no less stunning view.

Bath and beads

SV thought it would be a good idea to bring her beads into the bath tub. She quite enjoyed them in there, but she didn't let them distract her from a good bath.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Playing dress up

Playing dress up with her own clothes and KT's is quickly becoming a favourite activity for SV.