We start out today with a nice bonfire that we attended the first night at Mana Island. The next day Kt took advantage of the outdoor shower, which can also be seen from the outside. We enjoyed the interesting birds and flowers all around the island. One of the evenings we had a very nice dinner and a lovely view that Kt captured. We decided to go for a walk to the top of the hill and Kt started to go bush before we reached the top. The view from the lookout was great and was a fitting place to end the day. The next evening we played a little bit of bingo before looking in on the Lovo pit. Our dinner that night was pork cooked in the pit in the traditional Fijian way, and was quite tasty. That evening we enjoyed another great sunset with our tasty meal. The fresh flower arrangement was on our table in our room everyday to cheer us up. Kt takes a leaf to heart on the beach one day in the next photo. The next day we took it easy and relaxed by the infinity pool and made fans out of palm leaves. A lot harder than it looks, it took us about two hours to make them. That afternoon TV relaxed in a hamock before we took a stroll on the beach.