Saturday 5 November 2022

Climbing in the nets

 On the way home from Kangaroo Valley we stopped in for lunch and a bit of a play. The park had all sorts of climbing nets and structures. The girls really enjoyed all of the climbing and trying out of new equipment. 

Friday 4 November 2022

Pillow fort hiding

 The girls used all of the couch pillows to build a fort the first time. When it collapsed it led to an even more fun game of hiding under the pillows. They each hid under the pillows multiple times and created little breathing spaces to 'survive'. Needless to say they had fun.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Kangaroo Valley evening

 We brought the telescope and got it out for a view of the stars with virtually no light pollution. We then went inside and made a fire to warm back up after a chilly evening outside.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Family photographs with a view

 We took quite a few photographs of the whole family with the various views on the bushwalk. There were just so many waterfalls and great views to take in. EV's enthusiasm did wane eventually though but she was a good sport for a long time.

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Bushwalking at Fitzroy Falls

 We went for a bushwalk to take a look at Fitzroy Falls and some of the other waterfalls along the escarpment rim. After all of the rain, there was plenty of water flowing over the falls making for some spectacular scenery. We had a really nice walk taking in the views and looking for animals. The girls had a good time exploring along the trail.

Monday 31 October 2022

Playground and lunch

 While KT got a massage the kids got taken out to the park to play. As it worked out there was a music festival happening in Kangaroo Valley and the park was right next to the venue. So we got to play and listen to good folk music at the same time. The kids didn't particularly seem to care but they absorbed culture by diffusion as it were. After her massage, KT joined everyone else and we went to have some lunch. It was quite a nice little spot and the girls kept on playing until the food arrived.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Out to lunch in Kangaroo Valley

 TV took the kids out to lunch while KT got a facial and massage. There were lots of things to see including this Vespa with a sidecar which proved to be popular. Lunch was pretty good, and we enjoyed sitting in the sun.