Here is the second installment of the Red Centre Trip. We begin with the flight over the desert with the nice fluffy clouds. Before dinner we decided to have a beer and have an early dinner so that we would get plenty of sleep by the time we had to get up at 5am for the tour. Well, we got our beers and these two fellows pictured in the the next photos started talking to us. A few minutes later we found out that Kenny, the one in the group photo was going to be our tour guide, and Carl with his pen was another guide. For one reason or another we did not end up going to bed until well past 11pm and were a tad tired the next day, although it was well worth it. The next photo shows a mystery hole, presumably a burrow of some sort, that KT was somewhat obsessed with. The next two photos are of us at The Olgas and then posing at sunrise at Uluru. The next photo shows an aboriginal painting of an airplane as it flew overhead. KT then shows that sometimes you need a jacket, a scarf, and gloves in the desert. Another wonderful hold out photo shows us and the road disappearing over the horizon. KT then shows us the why it is called the Red Centre, while TV gathers firewood trying to avoid another odd desert structure, presumably an ant hill. KT is demonstrating the proper technique for sleeping in a swag, a big canvas bag that has a foam pad in it into which you put a sleeping bag. Turned out to be a comfortable night under the stars even though the Dingos were walking around. The next two photos show more of Kings Canyon with it's odd terrain. TV and Kenny pose for a photo in front of the adventure truck on top of the only hill for miles. TV focusing on the task at hand, photos. At this point we would like to take two photos to make our public service announcements and we would appreciate it if everyone could read and understand them, thank you. Now back to our regular photos. The last night in Alice Springs was similar to the first, having drinks with Kenny, who was a terrific tour guide. He made the trip a whole lot better because of his knowledge of not only the geology of the area, but also the sensitive cultural history. We then conclude this trip with some of the highlights of Alice Springs. First is the casino where Priscila and Co. go to in the movie Priscila Queen of the Desert, by the way a good film well worth seeing. The last photo shows the saloon, a good little watering hole with tasty food including camel, croc, emu, and of course kangaroo. Next time New Zealand, or something from Sydney, we haven't decided which yet.