Saturday 7 November 2020

SV's first soccer team picnic

To celebrate the end of the season SV's soccer team had a lovely picnic in the park along the waterfront. It was a great spot as the fig trees provided shade and there was a nice breeze coming off the water. SV was really chuffed to get a medal and have improved as much as she had. EV and MV also had a good time as they got to explore on their own a bit.

Friday 6 November 2020

Bubble, bubble, pop!

 MV got a new bottle of bubbles and she took advantage of the lovely spring weather to go into the backyard with EV to try them out. They really enjoyed making and then popping the bubbles together. It has been a while since they've done that, so they really enjoyed it.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Social climber

This little monkey has learned how to climb out of her bed with ease. She does it to be more social and be able to play with her sisters, even though she has plenty of fun in her own bed as is. She may have had some help in learning how to do it, but now she is quite able to climb in and out on her own. Suppose it's time to take the sides down now.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Baby Rooaaar!

 EV dressed up in some fabric that KT was using to create dragon costumes and then she stood on the stairs roaring at everyone. She was trying to instil fear of the mighty baby dragon.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Flowers waiting at home

When SV got home from the hospital she had lots of flowers waiting for her and to welcome her home. She really appreciated everyone thinking of her and sending her well wishes. She was enjoying some quiet time and just being able to read comics in peace.

Monday 2 November 2020

Waiting to go home

 After a second night in the hospital we were all ready to go home, but not before having breakfast. Eventually just after lunch SV was doing much better and we did in fact get to go home.

Sunday 1 November 2020

SV recovering in hospital

 SV was having a pretty decent time in the hospital. Her pain was under control for the most part and the main issue was the snoring dad next door. She enjoyed getting the bed just right and being able to watch some shows. She got a little bit worried about the hospital dinner, but ended up eating a fair amount of it. She managed to fall asleep before the snoring began and ended up having a decent sleep.