Saturday 13 April 2019

On to solid foods

Just like her sisters, EV got into solid foods via cucumbers and other veggies. Although technically SV started on congi, veggies were her first chewable food. It was a nice lunch and MV followed it up with a quick dip in the pool. Hard to keep her out of the pool most of the time actually.

Friday 12 April 2019

Heading home again

Another trip has drawn to a close as we headed back home. It was quite an easy journey as we got to San Francisco and took the shuttle train to the terminal. We then walked around the airport for a while since everything was quite quick. Once on the airplane we made ourselves comfortable as we got our favourite seats. It ended up being quite a nice flight home as well.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Dinner and a sparkle bath

We had our last dinner in CA before we head home. It was nice to have most of the family there to share it with us. Afterwards the girls had a fun bath with pink sparkling soap. Turned out to maybe not be the greatest idea as they were all sparkly afterwards and had to go in the shower. They had fun though. We had to clean the tub.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Last of the horse riding for now

The girls switched horses because MV wanted to ride the big one. She looked a bit funny but was quite satisfied.Afterwards we went and had some Thai food for lunch. TV was going to try to break his Thai tea record but was not in form. Oh well, maybe next time.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Another day another horse (ride)

We got to have a little more horse riding time but at a different place this time. These horses were a bit bigger than last time but still very friendly. Due to the recent storms they were quite muddy so the girls spent a fair amount of time cleaning them off. There was also a very friendly barn cat who kept things interesting. They enjoyed the riding again but the horses seemed to be a bit too big, especially SV's.

Monday 8 April 2019

Painting rocks with Babicka

Back at Babicka's house the girls set out a space on the floor and Babicka set them up with some rocks to paint. They also got some over-shirts to protect their clothes. Then they got down to business and painted a whole pile of rocks. Not quite sure what we will do with all of them but luckily Babicka has a big garden.

Sunday 7 April 2019

More horses

SV got her turn in the saddle too and did a fantastic job. She has riden a few more times and seemed at ease. She needs to work a bit more on being less timid with the reins but her position on the horse was good. They both also enjoyed riding on the trail even though we needed to lead the horses.