Saturday 10 July 2021

Painting pottery on the porch

 The girls received this pottery painting set a while back and finally got around to working on it. They perhaps waited too long as some of the paint had dried out. They managed to make things work and created some lovely pieces in the end. They quite enjoyed themselves while doing it too.

Friday 9 July 2021

Out for a ride

 TV took the girls for a mountain bike ride again. This time to a national park with slightly less developed trails. They complained about how rough it was at first but eventually started enjoying themselves, particularly as they became a bit more confident. They also enjoyed riding and running on the empty playing field after a snack break. Although their favourite part was a really nice smooth trail through a section of evergreens, despite a few muddy sections.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Scooter riding

 TV took the girls to a big car park to get some exercise and practice their scooter riding. They drew up a bit of an obstacle course with chalk and rode around it. There was some argument about who was riding which scooter. All three of the girls gained confidence though and rode around quite a bit.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Living room exercises

 Three of the ladies of the house did some exercise in the living room. They quite enjoyed it and it was fun to watch them. It was like having a mini exercise class right at home.

Lockdown biscuits

 The girls were really keen to bake as they wanted a quiet and warm activity due to the chilly day. KT helped them make bickies and they got to decorate them as they wanted. TV then cleaned up the mess which included cleaning up some of the broken bits.

Monday 5 July 2021

Sitting around the house taking care of business

 The girls were all taking care of their own business on this occasion. EV had some phone calls to make on the calculator mobile while the other two read different things. Sometimes spending some time apart is exactly what they need.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Skating and riding at the park

 We took the kids to the park so that they could do a bit of exercise, the older two roller skating and EV riding her balance bike. We could not believe how many people were out 'exercising' at the park but also on the way to the park. The girls had a good time and were really getting quite a bit of practice. They each improved with their chosen equipment.