Saturday 11 February 2017

Last day before kindy

SV was allowed to do whatever she wanted for her last day before starting kindy. She watched a bit of television, worked on art and did a bit of swimming. Then she and MV watched a movie with even Endir getting in on the fun with his cameo as Mr Peanut Bunny. We like to hope that SV has had a lot of opportunity to learn and explore during this first phase of her life.

Friday 10 February 2017

SV's swim lesson

Lately we have been doing heaps of swimming. It is now wonder that both of the girls have improved heaps lately. They are both getting so much more confident in the water.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Backyard pool is back

We put up the pool in our backyard again as the temperature has gone up yet again. We have all been enjoying dipping ourselves in there. It's also really good for the girls to practice some of their swimming techniques without floaties or anything.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Yum cha again

We caught up with some of our friends over yum cha. It has been quite a long time since we last went. We all really enjoyed it though with the girls really trying out some new plates. Uncle Adam was really excited to see the girls again and they had fun doing silly faces on his phone.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

After swim dinner

We stayed on for a BBQ and the kids were all exhausted and hungry. They all gobbled up their meals and had a rest before the energy kicked in. Then they got their second wind and ran around.

Monday 6 February 2017

More swimming goodness

MV is also improving her swimming. She is not really scared in the water and jumps right in. With the noodle she stays afloat by herself too.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Pool party of sorts

We went to our friends' house and they just got a new pool in their backyard. It was a perfect day for it and we were very happy to splash around with them in it. SV is doing really well in the water now and MV isn't too far behind. SV uses a small float to help her not sink, but otherwise she is quite competent in the water. She is not far off from swimming all by herself.