Saturday 20 February 2016

Basket ship

SV got ready quickly and decided to grab the laundry basket to play with. She decided it was a ship on the open seas. She encountered sea monsters and big waves before she came back to port. We then headed out for a walk to get some coffee and air. We had to stop straight away to say hi to the neighbourhood cat. MV enjoyed just being outside and taking in the air.

Friday 19 February 2016

Papi and the park

We met Papi at the park where he got to watch the girls play and even push MV on the swing. Hard to tell who had more fun, MV or Papi. We all enjoyed ourselves and got hungry for lunch. We headed over to get some salads and a bit of a laugh.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Super bowl party

In the morning MV practiced her game face on Campbell. They had a bit of a stare off for a good five minutes. Eventually we made it back to Sacramento after a quick visit with Dedko Lubo. We were there just before the game kicked off. There were plenty of snacks and everyone got into the game since it was quite close for a long time. MV and SV were only somewhat interested in the game though and they wandered back and forth.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

At the red hawk

We all went up to the casino for a nice buffet dinner. We thought that MV may be too tired to eat well, but she ended up surprising us all by eating like a champ, as did SV. There was a bit of goofing around after dinner before we headed home. Along the way KT and Grandpa Brad stopped to play a pokey, with Babicka soon joining them. TV and Uncle Richie took the kids home to get them into bed. After the baths everyone came home after winning $30. Not a bad night.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Wild afternoon

After chatting for a while and some good cuddles for MV, we took the new toy out for a spin. Some of us may have been slightly scared while others took full advantage. Big thank you to Babicka and Grandpa Brad for letting us play with their toy.

Monday 15 February 2016

Going up the hill

After a good breaky we headed up the hill to see Babicka but along the way we made a few stops. First we stopped at the grocery store and SV ran around while MV had a good nap. We then stopped for lunch we met up with Uncle Richie at a Thai restaurant. When we finally got up the hill SV drove the last bit. She's a pretty good driver all things considered. We were met by not only Babicka and Grandpa Brad but also Aunt Edina and Uncle Lubo. They were on their way home from a week of skiing and it was great that we got to see them.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Big dinner

Uncle Ron made lasagna from scratch and invited all of us over for dinner. It was not only a delicious dinner, but it was fun to spend time with everyone. The kids did not stay still for very long, constantly moving and figuring things out.