Saturday 12 October 2013

A tough life for a toddler

It's not always easy being SV. But she makes the most of it.

Thai dinner

We had a great Thai meal during which SV said the toast. She really enjoyed sitting at the table like an adult with her own cutlery. Afterwards she really liked holding hands with KT and Grandma CeCe as we walked home. Holding hands let her be silly by swinging and jumping around a bit.

Friday 11 October 2013

Nappy change

Lately SV has taken to giving her dolls nappy changes. Makes sense, she herself receives them and so she knows the entire procedure.

In Bali

We arrived in Bali with no problems, SV being a great flyer with even a nap at the end of the flight. Didn't take long for her to take advantage of our private pool and outdoor dining area.

Thursday 10 October 2013

On our way to Bali

On board our flight to Bali. Time for a short break. Met up with Auntie Yos who is flying with us.

Little orange eater

SV still likes to eat fruit including oranges. She likes them as both a snack and as a dessert. Here she is snacking at her drawing table.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Going to the park with Papi

Papi walked us to the park where SV engaged with a bunch of the playground apparatus. She even tried her hand at cricket for a little bit although she preferred the swings. We then walked to Papi's accommodation to have a rest.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Czech food in Glebe

We all went out to Glebe to have dinner and we while we walked down the street we decided to go into a Czech restaurant that we saw. SV was on her best behaviour while we waited for and then ate our meal. She is getting to know the routine very well and knows to look through the menu before ordering. This time she was happy to draw while we waited for our food, and then after dinner she enjoyed watching Grandma CeCe drawing.

Monday 7 October 2013

The 2nd Birthday Party

Here are a couple of photographs from SV's 2nd birthday party today. We went down to the beach and had a great time with some of our friends. SV then opened some of the presents she received at home.

SV's 2nd Birthday

It's hard to believe hat SV is two years old. The time has gone so quickly! Of course this blog attests to how much she has already done in these two short years. Below are a couple of portraits of her with some of her family.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Rozelle Market Part 2

The second half of the markets was spent looking at ponies which were fine from a distance, but less fun when SV was asked to ride them. After the almost pony ride, SV had a very successful play in the park and sharing the equipment with a multitude of other children.