Saturday 31 August 2013

Sydney Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day in Australia, but KT has to work. So today SV and KT planned a great brunch and we all had a great time. SV started out a bit grumpy but then got into the spirit of things and was really sweet.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!

Costco trolley

Going to Costco is usually a fun, although crowded afair. SV likes the to ride in the big cart because she can have space to stretch out and relax. Plus she knows that on the way back to the car she will get to ride down the long ramps, with TV usually spinning her around a bit bit for good measure.

Friday 30 August 2013

On the couch

After a long day at school and work it's good to sit down on the couch and rest those weary bones. Maybe even have a bit of a sweet, preferably a messy one.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Lady of leisure

We gave SV her steamed milk and she said hello to it before sitting down and putting her legs up. She enjoys a relaxed morning, although when she has to she gets ready quickly as well.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Blowing bubbles

SV got a new straw and with it she was drinking fizzy water. For some reason she decided to start blowing bubbles into her drink as seen in the second photograph. Another new and slightly mischievous behaviour.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Blue Mountains with Carlos: Part 4

The final chapter from the Blue Mountains sees SV engaging in some more mountaineering and mischief. After which she had a glorious nap only to wake up for a cafe lunch. We really lucked out with our lunch choice though as it was a random pick but ended up being delicious.

Monday 26 August 2013

Blue Mountains with Carlos: Part 3

Another one from the Blue Mountains where SV did some of the heavy lifting and hiking. Actually she really enjoyed the hiking and mountainous terrain. Baby Terminator managed to find a little cave to sit in as well. But not everything was all rosy, "Anvil Rock" was a much touted attraction which sounded pretty interesting, but when you scroll down you can see what we found.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Blue Mountains with Carlos: Part 2

Continuing in the Blue Mountains, we took advantage of the excellent weather and lovely surroundings. But we also took advantage of the facilities at the cabin. Possibly the best part of all though was just being able to lounge around in our pyjamas in the morning.