Saturday 16 July 2022

Morning portraits

 The girls were sitting around having breakfast and the light was really nice, so TV took some portraits of them. MV had a long sleep in and missed out. We'll have to find another time to make some portraits of her.

Friday 15 July 2022

Swim and a BBQ

 We all met up at Grandma Cece's house for a swim. SV got to ride KT's old bike around the yard too. She also played some games with Uncle Mark including a couple of new ones. After swimming for several hours we had a bbq. It was really pleasant as the afternoon rolled into evening.

Thursday 14 July 2022

America Day parade

 Also known as 4th of July, the kids called it America Day. Makes sense since there is Australia Day and Canada Day, guess the US just had to be different again. We walked down the road to the fabulous forties near Grandma Cece's house. We watched an assortment of people walk down the street. We just had some disappointing news so none of us felt celebratory, but it was still an interesting experience.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Riding Cali style

 We are borrowing a convertible from Babicka and riding in style. California style that is. Enjoying the sunshine and holiday.

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Pre lunch games

 The girls played with puzzles at first and then switched to playing a memory card game. They had fun with both activities. Eventually the adults took care of some stuff and we all headed off to lunch. It was a tasty lunch although there was one dissenting opinion.

Monday 11 July 2022

Drawing with Grandma Cece

 Grandma Cece made sure that all of the kids had their very own art supplies. She then worked with all of the kids and helped them get started on their drawings. They all enjoyed it, but because of all the pool time they didn't quite feel like they had enough time to work on their drawings.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Swimming at T St

 We all got to meet up at Ron and Grandma Cece's house for a swim in the pool. The girls got to reconnect with their cousins from Connecticut which was great. They really enjoyed getting to know each other and having the pool there served as a great activity to get over any shyness.