Saturday 26 November 2022

SV's gifts

 SV's birthday just kept going and she got some wonderful presents from her friends. In addition to all the lovely things she already got from everyone.

Friday 25 November 2022

Auntie Liz pops by

 Auntie Liz made a quick weekend trip to Sydney and popped by our house for a few hours. We were all very happy to see her and there was a bit of silliness. Hopefully next time we get to see her at her house.

Thursday 24 November 2022

Drum and dance combo

 EV and MV took turns drumming and dancing as they sang. They were really enjoying themselves as they got to do both.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Anniversary getaway

 We were quite lucky to have our lovely baby sitter spend the night to look after the kids. That meant that KT and TV could have a night away, and what a night it was. They got to spend the night right across from the Opera House and looking over the stunning harbour. It was really a pleasure to enjoyed some really quiet moments together in such a lovely place. Plus getting pampered with some top notch service in a fantastic room was great too.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

MV's second bike

 We got MV a second bike because her green one was a bit too big. Unfortunately it ended up being too big as well, but now she is able to ride it. She loves the basket on the front and had a good time riding up and down the street. It suits her personality as well which she was happy about.

Monday 21 November 2022

Sharpening and packing away pencils

 Our drawing supplies have gotten out of control, so TV organised some time to clean it all up. The girls each had a task to test, sharpen and sort the various pens and pencils. We then sorted all of them into their drawers before packing them away. They actually had fun doing it and it has made a huge difference when they want to work on their art.

Sunday 20 November 2022

Rock climbing

 SV and TV went rock climbing as KT took the other two girls to a trampoline birthday party. It was quite an active day for all. SV has climbed before and this time she really improved her skills. She managed to climb higher and more comfortably than before. TV got to do a bit of bouldering as well which was good fun.