Saturday 29 June 2013

Mohawk baby reading with Nagymama

SV and Nagymama read books together everyday. SV became a reading fiend, even when she reads books by herself in her chair. Sometimes she even reads stories to her dolls, but Nagymama was her favourite reading partner of late.

Friday 28 June 2013

Bed art

SV likes to work on her art pretty much anywhere. On the bus, in bed or at a table. When inspiration hits, she is ready to draw.

Thursday 27 June 2013

The Apprentice

SV really likes to wear her robe around the house. This time she partnered it with her magic light up wand. Made her look like the magical apprentice.


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Parallel play

SV and her friend Harriet have been parallel playing, playing near each other but not with each other, for quite a while, but now they are showing signs of actually playing together. To be fair it's mostly Harriet trying to play with SV, but it's a step in the right direction towards a good friendship.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Stars and cats

SV got a pair of star glasses from somewhere and she matched them with no pants and her cat hat. Turned out to be a pretty awesome combination.

Monday 24 June 2013

Nagymama good bye

Today we had to say good bye to Nagymama as she flew back to the US on her way back to Slovakia.

New park and rides

For long time blog readers it should come as no surprise that SV enjoys the park, but it surprised even us how much fun she was having at this park. So many new toys to try out. On the swing she even managed to place a call to one of her friends (virtually).

Sunday 23 June 2013

Shopping at Australia Fair

When the weather was sub-optimal we went inside one of the big shopping centres and had lunch before doing a bit of shopping. For those that haven't tried a Japanese burger, you should. They were both interesting and tasty. SV was enjoying herself, especially at the big salt water aquarium where she directed traffic a little bit so the view remained unobstructed.