Saturday 25 February 2012

... gives you wings?

Supposedly mommy gives you wings. We had a lot of fun taking photographs of the little one with wings, but this will be the last of these photographs for now.

Friday 24 February 2012

Friday roundup

Here are a few photographs from the week documenting SV's travels and hanging out with her friends.

Happy in her Japan pram

Browsing a bookshop in Newtown in her carrier

Stylin' with Auntie Bambi in Newtown

Hugging her friend Matilda

All tuckered out at the end of a long week

Thursday 23 February 2012

In the air

SV really likes to fly through the air on her tummy. Often she likes to play a game where she pretends to be a bee and plants kisses on people.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

A quick administrative word

Many of you will have noticed that we have changed the look and feel of the blog a little bit. This is in an effort to showcase the photographs a little bit better. We have added the ability to reshare posts via gmail, google +, facebook and twitter. You can do that by clicking the appropriate icon at the bottom of each post. Also we added a four words at the bottom of each post (interesting, funny, cool and cute) which you can click and will act as a quick comment. We see that some of you have already found that feature and have started using it.

Let us know what you think of the changes.


At the mall

We went for a trip to Bondi Junction which has a big indoor shopping centre to do a bit of clothes shopping. We also heard that the shopping centre had really nice parents rooms for feeding and changing nappies, so as a side trip we checked out a couple of them. They were comfortable and SV seemed to enjoy herself.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Flying baby

This baby is on the move, flying through the air with her tiny wings. Here are a few more photographs from the Valentine's Day set, these were too good not to share.

Monday 20 February 2012

A snake in the grass

We went to Hyde Park to relax on a balmy evening so that SV could have a bit of a play in the grass. She really enjoyed it, the feeling of the grass on her feet and in her hands. She also found the tall grass gave her a new perspective as she played on her stomach. Here are some photographs of her playing and a short video. One of the shots is an action shot as she rolls on to her back.

Sunday 19 February 2012

On the train

SV took her first train trip. Like a smart user of public transport she first checked the timetable and which platform she needed to go to. Then she patiently waited behind the yellow safety line as the train pulled into the station before finally getting on-board. On the train she relaxed, stretched out and enjoyed the ride.