Saturday 25 November 2017

Lego workers

TV and SV were working quite hard on a lego bus. SV has now developed a new technique in here building. She first organises all of her pieces into piles by colour before building anything. She says it helps her find the pieces quicker and easier.

Friday 24 November 2017

Fast park kids

Despite the rain threatening we went to the park for a bit of a play. It was a new park and the kids had lots of energy. They were really happy for a chance to play. They were really running and jumping, feeling quite exuberant.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Slow kids on the stairs

The girls were happy not to move and pose on the stairs for a few photographs. They both pulled some faces for good measure though.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Leaf woman

SV was going to a birthday party which had an Epic theme. She chose to go as a leaf woman from the film and made her own dress. She then wanted a photograph of herself so TV took her into the backyard for a bit of ambience. She then exuded attitude for a good photograph.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Floor relaxing

Before breaky TV built a little warm area for the girls to read and watch a show. It in an effort to let KT sleep in a bit and a good way for the girls to transition into the day before having breakfast with all the other kids. They were quite relaxed by the time we went down for breakfast and ate well before starting up a lego building game. SV and Harriett built a zoo while MV and others built trains and trucks.

Monday 20 November 2017

Small bushwalk

We wanted to have a bit of a walk so we found a trail along a small stream to walk along. It was quite a good little walk. The girls really liked it since they got to stretch their legs and see a bit of wildlife, even though it was mostly bugs and birds. We did see a wombat burrow but nobody was home.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Some wine tasting

We let the kids pick out their outfits to go wine tasting and SV wanted a photograph. We went to one winery which was recommended to us. The girls didn't have the most fun ever, but they were really well behaved. They did enjoy the grounds and looking at the local cows.