Saturday 21 September 2013

2nd Baby Birthday: Part 2

Towards the end of the party the kids started to play the game Pass the Parcel where a package has a bunch of layers and each time the music stops a layer is removed revealing a small gift. The last layer reveals the big prize, but by the time that happened there were only two kids left playing, SV and her friend Jake. SV very graciously let Jake have the toy. After Pass the Parcel all the kids were wrangled again and did a gift exchange. SV was quite happy to get a craft kit with coloured pipe cleaners and other craft items.

Friday 20 September 2013

2nd Baby Birthday: Part 1

The babies from KT's and SV's mothers group had a get together to celebrate the 2nd birthday of all of the babies. Everyone brought toys and food and we had a small party. The kids loved playing with all the toys in parallel although there was some playing together as well. More to come tomorrow.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Baby ballerina

SV has taken up ballet!! (that's how she says it) for three classes. She really seems to enjoy the dancing, although she does more of a free dance routine which doesn't seem to sit too well with her teacher. Seems like we will have to find a different, less rigid class for her to join for now. She definitely likes the dancing though.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Park with the Grandparents

SV was glad to have some new people to play with her at the park. She is getting a bit bored with us always taking her. On the way home she even stopped to smell and pick the flowers.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Picking up Papi

SV's Papi arrived from and we all went to pick him up. SV was already excited because Grandma CeCe arrived the night before, so Papi's arrival was an extra big bonus. We set him up in his pension before going and having some lunch. SV was ecstatic to have her grandparents with her to show all of her new tricks to.

Monday 16 September 2013

Seeing the Hycners

We had a chance to catch up with the Hycners who moved to Sydney from California for a year. We met them at a vegan cafe which was a first for the three of us, but the food wasn't too bad. SV enjoyed herself and was quite well behaved, especially after she had her soy babycino. Unfortunately we didn't take very many photographs, next time.

Sunday 15 September 2013

TV and SV hanging out

KT had to go to work so the two troublemakers hung out together and tried to get into a bit of mischief. They certainly managed to get into a bit what with running around with umbrellas, playing in tunnels and eating wild food.