Saturday 2 September 2017

Sushi and Babicka

We headed up the hill to see Babička and Grandpa Brad. What better way to start the visit than having a nice sushi lunch, especially if there is a bonus Uncle Richie. Unfortunately MV and KT couldn't come because MV was just too tired and needed a nap. After a very tasty lunch during which SV finished a number of art works we went to Babička's house. SV got to play cards and learn a new game while MV finished off her nap.

Friday 1 September 2017

Warm summer evening

It was another warm summer evening and we all stayed outside to make the most of it. MV and SV enjoyed playing with everyone and being alternatively more or less silly as the mood struck them.

Thursday 31 August 2017

Eric and Cheryl's house

We went to Eric and Cheryl's house for a visit. MV got a drawing lesson from Eric while Cheryl taught SV about card games. Eventually they both ended up in the pool though, chasing the poor duck float.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Late afternoon play

TV and KT were going to dinner with Eric and Cheryl, so the kids had to entertain themselves with the help of others. They made their own fun with the bubble guns as well.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Fairytale town visit

We once again visited Fairytale Town, but this time MV could really appreciate and enoy it. SV being a good big sister showed MV all around and helped her when she needed it. They both certainly enjoyed it.

Monday 28 August 2017

Breaky at Pappi's house

This day we all met up at Pappi's house for breaky. The girls were pretty tired but they managed to remain mostly positive and enjoy themselves. We got to see the entire complex and explore a bit while being quite popular with the residents. MV riding on the scooter has now officially become a thing and MV looks forward to it every time she sees Pappi. Despite not having any toys the girls entertained themselves with a couple of highlighters and paper. As a bonus Pappi got some new art for his home.