Saturday 12 September 2015

Learning from Babička

After school SV went to the park to burn off some energy. As usual she made a friend who she played with for a while before doing her own thing. When she got home Babička was making potato pancakes for dinner. SV was going to help her but she burned off too much energy it seemed and could only sit there watching.

Friday 11 September 2015

Angel baby reborn

Some of you may remember the first angel baby way back in this post. Well MV has revisited the role and below are some of the resulting photographs.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Flying home

We had a great and relaxing time in Christchurch. Both SV and MV really enjoyed playing with their uncles who had a good time too. We will miss them, but fortunately only for about 4 weeks before we are reunited in Queensland. Big thank you to both Carlos and Damian for hosting us and making the weekend so laid back. Just what we needed.

On the way home MV was in a great mood before she fell asleep for most of the flight. When she awoke she was in a good mood and happy to sit, taking in the whole experience. She is off to a flying start (pun intended) with her first two flights complete. She will need to do some more flying though to match SV's 49 flights. SV being an old hand now was happy as a clam for the entire experience going through the airport and the flight itself. Of course Emirates treated her very well with a nice seat, massive meal with about 10 different choices, an entertainment system which she controlled and even a backpack full of goodies.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Last morning in Christchurch

Unfortunately Uncle Carlos had to go to work (although he did get a cuddle in before leaving) but that meant we got to hang out with Uncle Damian exclusively. It was really nice to enjoy the fire and sunshine on a cold morning while reminiscing a bit.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Pub dinner

After a big day out SV was excited to have a pub dinner. As usual the pub had an activity pack for her, and the bartender even printed out more pictures for SV to colour in. We all enjoyed a beverage as demonstrated by KT. MV and SV then had a nap on the seats as the rest of us finished up our dinners and drinks.

Monday 7 September 2015

Restart Mall revisited

After leaving the gardens we walked over to get lunch at the Restart Mall. Some of you may remember we visited there about two years ago when we were in Christchurch last time, if not you can see the post here and here.

Things have certainly changed with the mall moving and growing at the same time since our last visit. There is a lot more construction in the CBD as well which is good to see. More people walking around and going to the businesses. The one thing that hasn't changed much is the cathedral which is still damaged and not being rebuilt at all.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Botanical gardens in Christchurch

The daffodils are now blooming in NZ so Uncle Carlos and Uncle Damian took us for a walk through the botanical gardens. It was a great garden and we all enjoyed the warm sunny day as we walked around the ponds and the river.