Saturday 3 June 2023

Playing with doggo

 We visited Teta Andula's cousin and family briefly. They have a new dog that the girls really enjoyed playing with. They also got bickies and juice, so it was a very successful visit.

Friday 2 June 2023

Hanging out with Nagymama

 The girls got to spend some more time sitting and talking to Nagymama. It was really good as she told them a few things and showed them a some of her things.

Thursday 1 June 2023

More playing at Eco Park playground

 Since it was such a lovely day the girls had an even better time playing at the Eco Park playground than the other time. They went everywhere and did just about everything. They mostly played together but did play briefly with some other kids too.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Back at Eco Park

 We ended up going back to Eco Park on a much sunnier day. We were glad that we did as so many more of the animals were out and about. There were still almost no people there so it was really nice. The animals were also enjoying the sun and were quite friendly.

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Playing games with Nagymama

 Sometimes playing some simple games is the most fun. We got to play some card games and memory games with Nagymama and it was really fun. We didn't need anything fancy or anything. Just playing with family was enough.

Monday 29 May 2023

Eco Park playground

 After a delicious lunch the girls were keen to explore the playground. It was just too hard to resist with all of the cool places to climb, slide and explore. SV was a little intimidated by the highest places but the other two didn't mind too much. Despite the cold they ran around for quite some time, but they did take some stops in the little mushroom houses to warm back up before heading out again.

Sunday 28 May 2023

Eco Park Lunch

 After braving the cold for a while we all wanted to get something to warm us up. We went into the restaurant for some lunch. It was great choice as the restaurant had a fantastic kids area full of toys, and a big aquarium to look at too. The food was really good and we got our energy back for sure.