Saturday 21 March 2015

Dancing again

SV is not only still enjoying her dance classes, she is getting better and more confident as well.

Friday 20 March 2015

Reading in bed

SV picked out her book very carefully from a big selection before heading into our bed. She then hunkered down and started reading. She looked very comfortable and kept up a constant dialogue throughout.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Engagement continued

At the party SV found a swing in one of the trees which was fun for a while. But the real fun was to be able to climb the tree all by herself. She liked it so much that she ended up having her second lunch in the tree. After the party we stopped for a short walk in a park where we walked through some decorative gardens. SV really enjoyed the run around and when we got home she absolutely collapsed from exhaustion.


Wednesday 18 March 2015

Becky and Micha's Engagement

We were invited to our friend's engagement party. SV really enjoys a good party and is not only on good behaviour, but she is almost always the life of the party as well. This was no exception and she even managed to get a shout out during the speeches. She made a friend her own age, but she also talked to a number of the adults. Of course she also danced quite a bit when the music was playing. Somehow she even managed to make some time to eat some lunch.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Colouring in

SV has been working on her penmanship. It is starting to show. She is now able to stay mostly within the lines when she wants to. She is also learning to write letters at school including L and T, both capital and small.

Monday 16 March 2015

Luna Park continued

Here are a couple more photographs from Luna Park. SV is getting the hang of things there. She has figured out how to use the joystick to move the shuttle up and down, among other things.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Luna parking

SV and TV took a quick trip to Luna Park to go on some of the rides. It was a great day for it and since they got there early they hardly had to wait in queues. SV was much more adventures this time around and went on some of the rides that she didn't like before. Mainly the dodgem cars and big slides.