Saturday 6 June 2020

Building their own purses

MV and SV got a kit for building their own purses and they were really excited to start making them. They got off to a good start and were really focused. The project was well beyond EV but she didn't mind as she has discovered the baby pram and driving her dolls around. 

Friday 5 June 2020

Rain time walk

Autumn and winter are on our doorstep now with rain coming our way. The kids were pretty excited, particularly EV, and put on their wet weather gear to go for a walk in it. It was fun for them as they got to walk through puddles, especially since it was hardly raining and no wind.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Last day of lockdown school

After several weeks it was the last day of lockdown school. It was a little bitter sweet for this time to come to an end. It definitely had it's challenges but it was also really nice. We really got see what and how the girls were learning. Also their strengths and where they needed to focus more. The girls felt the same way.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

EV portraits

It was EV's turn to take photographs. She really wanted to wear KT's hat from when she was that size. It was very cute and certainly made it easy to get some great portraits of her.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

MV portraits

It was MV's turn to be photographed. She was really happy and was excited to be able to see herself. She enjoyed it and was actually followed direction quite well.

Monday 1 June 2020

SV portraits

It was SV's turn to have get photographed for a little while. She was a good sport about it even though she is not all that excited about it.

Sunday 31 May 2020

KT portraits

We took a couple of photographs of KT just before all the kids came out and started climbing all over her.