Saturday 23 February 2013

Mango eating

There are a number of ways to eat a mango, but here is how SV eats it. Generally with gusto.

Friday 22 February 2013

Linda our cleaning lady

Since SV was born we have had a cleaning lady named Linda who comes once a month to do some deeper cleaning. She is a very nice lady from Korea who has been very sweet to SV from the beginning and watched her grow up. SV has in turn befriended her and likes to show her things. Lately SV has started wiping surfaces of tables and cabinets with towels, possibly picking this behaviour up from Linda.

Monkey school

SV picked out this monkey shirt to wear for school. She also brought some reading material for the trip. We are glad to see she is planning ahead.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Learning in the bath

SV has gotten bored with her regular bath toys and has started keeping herself busy by other means. Making faces, changing perspectives and studying the interaction between cup and water. It is this last endeavour that has kept her the busiest though.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

No shirt Wednesday

SV is turning into a bit of a nudist seemingly. She is always willing to shuck clothes, although to be fair it is still quite warm these last days of summer.

Tuesday 19 February 2013


A wallet is a fascinating thing, not only for a baby either. KT and SV both like to rifle through people's wallets to see what they carry around.

Monday 18 February 2013

On our way home

We are just waiting for our plane which was delayed. Then we'll be off and heading home. It was a fun little break.


Soooo tired. After so much activity, seeing so many friends, attending parties and causing general mischief, a baby gets tired.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Olivia and Naomi

SV got to hang out with multiple people. Olivia came over for the day, KT decided to use this as practice for having two kids and caught the bus into the CBD to meet up with Naomi. The operation ended up going quite smoothly with nary a tear to be seen. Everyone was on their best behaviour, we're looking at you Naomi.