Saturday 11 September 2021

EV's 3rd birthday cake

 EV was very specific this year about having a castle cake with Blippy crushing a car on it. KT did a fantastic job making it happen and EV loved it. She was really happy about the whole thing and not at all scared to blow out the candles. She enjoyed some ice cream after as well.

Friday 10 September 2021

EV's birthday taco lunch

 EV was really excited about her birthday and requested to have tacos for lunch. How could we say no to that, especially after she got all dressed up for it. Everyone really enjoyed their tacos, most of all EV who was very content.

Thursday 9 September 2021

Backyard picnic in the cold

 The girls were really keen to have a picnic lunch in the backyard despite it being cold. EV refused to wear pants but they still had a good time. They ate all sorts of snacks, predominantly veggies and fruit but some chips too.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Backyard soccer

 The girls were really keen to kick the soccer ball around in the backyard and TV was happy to oblige. It was nice for all of them to be involved in a bit more physical activity. MV was quite serious about it while EV was happy just to be playing with the ball. SV scooted by and kicked the ball every once in a while too.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Dolls in the morning

 The girls played with their dolls for most of the morning. Before and after breakfast too. They had a number of scenes and different storylines going at the same time.

Monday 6 September 2021

Kitty makes a milo

 This little kitty made milos for all her sisters to enjoy. She likes doing little things like that for her sisters which is good to see. These little tasks have been quite helpful to us as we can focus on doing other things.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Super shark and princess

 Super shark enjoyed having a beverage before playing with the princess. Not really sure what game they played, but they certainly had some fun.