Saturday 15 February 2020

MV's first day of kindy

MV has reached another milestone, her first day of Kindy. She was very excited and SV was really excited for her too. We are all very proud of her and know she will do great.

Friday 14 February 2020

Oatmeal breaky

MV was really keen to have oat meal for breaky, so we made it. The girls were actually all quite excited by it. It was gone in very quickly indeed.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Kid portraits

We made some portraits of MV but then the other didn't want to feel left out.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Continued park play

After riding for quite some time, the girls really enjoyed playing in the park. They ended up all going on the swing at the same time and TV had to keep them all going.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Riding to the park

Everyone was excited to go for a ride to the park despite the heat. SV got to ride her new bike, MV rode her bigger bike that SV stopped using and EV was happy to actually ride the scooter. TV mostly just sweated running after them giving a hand where required.

Monday 10 February 2020

Couple of funny faces

It was hard to take a serious photograph of these two as they kept making silly faces. EV was the one that started it all on her own. MV soon follwed suit with her cat and dog faces too.

Sunday 9 February 2020

MV's last day at child care

It was MV's last day of child care which she got to share with EV. We took some photographs before we left to celebrate. She had a lovely day which included going on an excursion to the park.