Saturday 29 June 2024

Visiting the gang

 We finally had an opportunity to catch up with our friends from Sacramento and their kids. We hadn't seen each other for quite a long time but it was such a nice and comfortable catch up. The kids all played really nicely together and we all had great conversations. We are looking forward to seeing them again after we get back to Sac.

Friday 28 June 2024

Dinner with Uncle and Auntie

 Uncle Richie and Auntie Jeanna came over to get their hair and make up done. They stayed for sushi dinner too. The girls hadn't seen them that much this trip so it was quite nice to catch up with them before our next trip.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Working on paper mache

 SV started the paper mache masks but soon MV wanted to join in too. Ron was all too happy to teach them and they really appreciated it. They had fun doing that and the masks were starting to look good.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Visiting Sac Zoo again

 We visited the Sacramento Zooto look at the animals and have a look around. We did a lot of the activities beyond just looking at the animals which made the visit a bit different. SV found her spirit animal as well.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Easter activities

 For easter we had a number of activitie planned with the family. SV wanted to start work on her paper mache masks. MV and Ron helped but then also not. There was also the easter egg painting before the formal hunt for the eggs. 

Monday 24 June 2024

Nature centre and dinner

 We went to Effie Yeaw Nature Centre for the kids to explore nature and run around a bit. They made some new friends and played with their cousins more. They had a good time and were ready for a nice dinner with the whole family.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Escape room and more

 We all went with the cousins to an escape room where we had co-mingled family teams. We had a heap of fun as both the teams managed to win in their rooms. Afterwards we made a stop to pick up some parts before heading to our old house to see how it has changed. SV especially enjoyed laying down under the cherry tree which we had planted 20 years ago.