Saturday 23 October 2021

Attempting swimming lessons

 Now that things are opening up, we are getting the girls to start swim lessons again. Both MV and SV are going to be at the same swim school, although in different classes. Super convenient for us. The instructors were very friendly and engaging which made the girls really excited to swim. They have a very clear progression as well so the girls really want to get better too.

Friday 22 October 2021

Baby kitty ninja

 EV is definitely a kitty ninja in this the latest instalment of the kitty series. That means she is extra silent and extra surprising. To be fair she certainly surprised us with some of her moves as she followed along with a video. Trust us when we say this little kitty is dangerous!

Thursday 21 October 2021

MV's fairy bread

 MV made fairy bread for the first time. We didn't help her at all and it turned out well. She ended up doing a good job making it and even a pretty good job cleaning it all up. She even cut fun shapes out of the middle to create crust less pieces. 

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Revisiting a park

 TV took the girls on a walk and they stopped in at a park they used to visit a fair amount but haven't been to in recent times. The park is behind the former house of one of SV's friends and so they used to play there a fair amount. The girls had the entire park to themselves and really enjoyed it.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

SV's 10 birthday get together

 Since we were still restricted in what we could do SV invited two of her best friends over for a bit of a party. It was relatively low key as the girls played video games and chatted. They finished the evening with pizza and birthday cup cakes. SV really enjoyed it and her friends seemed to have a good time too.

Monday 18 October 2021

Back in the pool

 We met the Postles at the pool after a long time away. Everyone except EV was excited to have a bit of a swim. Eventually even she got into the pool and jumped around in the pool for a while. In the end we all had a good time and enjoyed playing with our friends.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Playing with Spirit

 The girls got all of their playmobil Spirit toys out and started creating scenes. As they made the scenes they also narrated a story with each of them contributing, even EV. It was great to see and hear as we took advantage to do all sorts of stuff around the house.