Saturday 28 November 2015

Munich Zoo

The Munich Zoo is a wonderful example how animals can live in enclosures which don't require heaps of fencing and allow visitors to really see the animals. Speaking of visitors our little travelers were excited to see them, SV found the flamingos very interesting. Both SV and MV enjoyed the apes, including the orangutan who kept starring at them. While MV was having a snack, SV enjoyed watching the elephants and how they used their trunks and feet to peel wood so they could eat it. She also found a little hut in which to play house.

Friday 27 November 2015

Another bobsled run

We found another summer bobsled run and couldn't resist going. SV really enjoyed it, even more than before actually. She was excited to chase KT while riding with TV, made for a good photograph a the bottom. While MV didn't get to ride down in the bobsled she got a ride of a different kind. Auntie Naomi had heaps of fun tossing her in the air and MV absolutely loved it.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Inside and after Schloss Neuschwanstein

When we got inside the castle the ladies took in the sun. Unfortunately we couldn't take photographs inside so we will skip to afterwards. We decided to walk back through the forest just to take in the wonderful colours, and perhaps to kick through a few leaves.The light and colours were just great and we really enjoyed the warm weather stroll. A pleasant way to walk back to the car.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Schloss Neuschwanstein

One of the main reasons why we chose to go to Munich on this trip was to go see Schloss Neuschwanstein. SV is very much into castles and princesses, and Neuschwanstein is as fairy tale of a castle as can be. After all it served as the inspiration for the castle at Disneyland.

We really had a lot of fun at the castle, including the drive there. It was quite a magical trip as it was mostly shrouded in fog which got quite thick before thinning out to reveal the castle. Similarly on the way home as we were leaving the fog came up again obscuring the castle as if by some magic.

We had fun looking at the beautiful Swan Lake where King Ludwig and his doctor were found drowned after the king spent most of the state's money building the castle.We took a horse drawn carriage up to the castle and then we walked the rest of the way uphill having fun along the whole trip.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Wrapping up the day

After a busy day out and about we found a sunny bench in the park where we took some photographs and generally relaxed. It was a perfect spot for catching up even as the sun began to set. On the way home SV struck a few poses before we stopped at the grocery store. At home SV was fishing for MV fish before they both went to bed.

Monday 23 November 2015

Hanging out in Munich

For lunch we tried going to the Hofbrauhaus, but after getting a seat and pretzel the waiter told us it was an hour or more wait for food we took some photographs and left. We went across the street to another beer haus and enjoyed a delicious meal with zero wait. After lunch we went to look at the Frauenkirche just off the famous Marienplatz. SV started to get quite tired and got to ride in the pram, whereas MV woke up and felt great. KT was also feeling good, especially after a quick stop at a chocolatier.